Regardless of how careful you are, small dings and dents are inevitable when you own and operate a motor vehicle. Brown’s Collision and Brown’s Collision &
Coachworks offers a solution to take care of those unsightly blemishes.
Paintless Dent Repair can keep your vehicle looking as new as the day you bought it and bring new life to your vehicle.
PDR removes dents, door dings and creases without compromising the integrity of your factory paint finish. Often times and affordable option that can be completed in minimal time as opposed to body work and automotive paint application.
How do I know if Paintless Dent Repair is an option for my dent repair needs?
If you have encountered hail damage or other small dents PDR may be right for you. Some of the most common paintless dent removals Brown’s Collision and Brown’s Collision & Coachworks performs are a result from door dings and hail that have not
compromised the original paint or finish.
If you need assistance with your paintless dent repair contact us today or call:
Amsterdam, NY location at 518.843.3181
Johnstown, NY location at 518.762.5100
Our staff would like to welcome your family to experience the Brown’s Collision and Brown’s Collision & Coachworks difference!